英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Houseplant – Repot – 「観葉植物を育てる」
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Houseplant – Repot – 「観葉植物を育てる」を英語で表現

indoor houseplant
□ indoor houseplant 室内用鉢植え植物
ex) Potos is the easiest indoor houseplant.
ポトスは 室内用鉢植え植物として もっとも育てるのが簡単である
houseplant /ˈhaʊsˌplænt/: a plant that is grown or kept indoors
ex) You may already be growing a dracaena plant as part of your houseplant collection.

leafy indoor plants
□ leafy plant 観葉植物
ex) Consider the leafy plants as an important part of your interior decoration.
観葉植物を 大切な インテリア装飾の一部として考えてください
leafy /ˈliːfi/: consisting mostly of leaves
ex) All leafy greens are easy to grow, rich in nutrients and some can be eaten both fresh and cooked.
ex) Can you grow the aloe plant in a pot?
アロエを 植木鉢に入れて 育てることはできますか?
plant pot /ˈpɑːt/: a container that is used for growing plants
ex) Gardeners with small spaces can learn how to grow beans in pots.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #231
□ succulent 多肉植物、多肉植物の
ex) Aloe vera is one of the most common succulents.
アロエベラは もっとも一般に普及している 多肉植物の一つだ
succulent /ˈsʌkjələnt/of plants : having thick, heavy leaves or stems that store water
ex) Cacti are succulent plants.
ex) The plant absorbs water and nutrients from the air.
その植物は 水を吸収し、栄養分を空気から摂取します
nutrient /ˈnuːtrijənt/: a substance that plants, animals, and people need to live and grow
ex) The soil is low in nutrients.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,242
□ do more harm than good 利益より損害を多くもたらす
ex) Watering on exactly the same day every week may do more harm than good.
水やりを 毎週、同じ曜日にすることは、(植物にとって)利益より損害を多くもたらす
do more harm than good /ˈhɑɚm/: inadvertently make a situation worse rather than better
ex) Too much fertilizer does more harm than good.
ex) I’ve been caring for this plant all year.
一年中 植物の 世話をしています
care for /ˈkeɚ/: to do the things that are needed to help and protect (a person or animal)
ex) I need someone to care for my plants while I’m away.
ex) Place your plants in full to partial sun and water regularly.
植物を 日向、または半日向に 定期的に置くようにしてください
partial /ˈpɑɚʃəl/: not complete or total
ex) Those plants thrive in partially shady indoor and outdoor locations away from heat ducts.
ex) Move the plant to an area with more shade.
より日の当たらない 日陰に 鉢を移動してください
shade /ˈʃeɪd/: an area of slight darkness that is produced when something blocks the light of the sun
ex) These plants grow well in shade.
ex) This plant will keep growing and producing well into the hot months.
植物は育ち続け 暑い時期に入ると 実がなります
produce /prəˈduːs/ to make or create (something) by a natural process
ex) The tree produces good fruit.
ex) I’m wondering why is my cactus limp?
なぜ 私のサボテンは しおれているのだろうか?
limp /ˈlɪmp/: having an unpleasantly soft or weak quality : not firm or stiff
ex) This plant isn’t doing well—look how limp the leaves are.
□ feel limp 疲れる
ex) Hot bath may make you feel limp and tired while you’re sick.
体調不良の間 熱いお風呂は あなたを疲れさせるかも知れない
limp /ˈlɪmp/: feeling very tired
ex) He was limp with fatigue.
ex) Wilted cactus is sometimes caused by a lack of water.
水やりの不足で サボテン しおれてしまう事があります
wilt /ˈwɪlt/ of a plant : to bend over because of not having enough water.
ex) The roses were wilting.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #994
□ shrivel (暑さや、加齢で)しなびる、しわくちゃになる
ex) The leaves shriveled up in the hot sun.
葉が 太陽の光で しなびた
shrivel /ˈʃrɪvəl/: to become dry and wrinkled from heat, cold, or old age
ex) She was small and shriveled with age.
ex) The plants withered and died.
wither /ˈwɪðɚ/: to become dry and weak
ex) Our hopes have withered away. = died away
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #637
□ withering (植物を)しおれさせる、(鋭い視線などで)相手を委縮させる、ひるませる
ex) She gave me a withering look.
彼女の視線は 私を委縮させた
withering /ˈwɪðərɪŋ/ : very harsh, severe, or damaging
ex) The book has been the subject of withering criticism.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,087
□ droop (枝などが)垂れ下がる、うなだれる
ex) The tree’s branches drooped under the weight of the snow.
雪の重みで 枝が垂れ下がった
droop /ˈdruːp/: to sink, bend, or hang down
ex) The flowers were drooping in the hot sun.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,505
□ weigh down 重みで押し下げる、を意気消沈させる
ex) Heavy ice and snow covering a tree’s branches can weigh it down.
樹木の枝を覆う 重い氷や 雪は 枝を重みで押し下げる
weigh down /ˈweɪ/: to make (someone or something) heavier and less able to move easily
ex) The boat was weighed down by the extra cargo.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #2,089
□ parch 乾燥させる、干上がらせる
ex) These leaves appear to be parched or scorched.
葉っぱが 干からびているか、日焼けしているように見えます
parch /ˈpɑɚtʃ/: to make (something) very dry
ex) The hot desert sun had parched the land.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,506
□ parched 喉が渇く
ex) Could I have some water? I’m parched.
喉が渇いたので 水をください
parched /ˈpɑɚtʃt/ : very thirsty
ex) When I told them I was parched, they went and got me a bottle of mineral water.
ex) Roast the peanuts while being careful not to scorch them.
焦げ付かないように ピーナツを炒って
scorch /ˈskoɚtʃ/: to burn the surface of (something)
ex) The fabric/material scorches at high temperatures.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #332
□ scorching (焼けるように)暑い
ex) It was a scorching summer afternoon.
焼けるように暑い 夏の午後であった
scorching /ˈskoɚtʃɪŋ/: very hot
ex) The day was scorching hot. (= extremely hot)
ex) Repot the plant into fresh soil.
新しい土に 植物を植え替えて
□ tight in the pot 鉢植えの中で (植物が動かないように)土を固めにする
ex) The plant likes to be tight in the pot.
その 植物は 鉢の中で 根が土で しっかり固定されるのがよい
repot : to put (a plant) into another pot
ex) If you want to give more root space to a growing plant, repot it with more soil in a larger container.

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Casual English Phrases – #329
□ low maintenance 手間のかからない
ex) Prefer low maintenance houseplants if you are a busy person.
忙しい人であれば、手間のかからない 観葉植物を 選びなさい
low-maintenance: requiring little work to keep in good condition.
ex) Buying low-maintenance clothes might alleviate some of those extra care costs and save time.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #778
□ revive (植物など)再び元気にする
ex) Repotting may be the solution to reviving a limp cactus.
しおれて サボテンを助けるには 鉢の入替えが 解決策となる
revive /rɪˈvaɪv/: to make (someone or something) strong, healthy, or active again
ex) The doctors were trying to revive the patient.
= to make the unconscious patient conscious again
□ revival (元気の)回復、(人気の)復活
ex) Jungly indoor foliage is undergoing a revival.
生い茂った観葉植物 は 回復に向かっている
revival /rɪˈvaɪvəl/: a period in which something becomes popular again after a long period of time
ex) In recent times, we’ve seen a revival of the indoor houseplant.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #249
□ photosynthesis 光合成
ex) During photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen.
光合成をしている間 植物は 二酸化酸素を吸収し 酸素を放出する
photosynthesis /ˌfoʊtoʊˈsɪnθəsəs/: the process by which a green plant turns water and carbon dioxide into food when the plant is exposed to light
ex) The biggest change in plant metabolism in the dark is that they stop photosynthesis.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #2,090
□ twine 絡まる、より合わせる、より糸
ex) Ivy twines around the columns.
アイビーが 柱に絡まっている
twine /ˈtwaɪn/: to twist or wrap around (someone or something)
ex) She twined her arms around him.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #620
□ intertwine より合わさる、絡みつく、結び付く
ex) The branches are intertwined (with each other) and grow into a solid wall.
枝と枝が共に 絡みつき 壁に向かって 育っている
intertwine /ˌɪntɚˈtwaɪn/: to twist (things) together
ex) Colored ribbons were intertwined in her hair.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #951
□ carnivorous plant 食虫植物 = cf) insectivore
ex) Generally, growing carnivorous plants is very simple.
食虫植物の 栽培法は 簡単である
carnivorous /kɑɚˈnɪvərəs/: (Botany) (of plants such as the pitcher plant and sundew) able to trap and digest insects and other small animals
ex) Plenty of lizards are insectivores, including the banded gecko.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #1,136
□ insectivore 食虫動物
ex) Frogs are insectivores, primarily consuming flies and mosquitoes.
カエルは ハエや、蚊を食べる 食虫動物である
insectivore /ɪnˈsɛktəˌvoɚ/: an animal that eats insects
ex) Is a mantis a herbivore or insectivore?
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