英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Fired – Severance Pay – 「解雇される・解雇手当」
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Fired – Severance Pay – 「解雇される・解雇手当」 を英語で表現
ex) Being fired for no reason might indicate illegal discrimination sometimes.
理由なく 解雇されることは 時として 不法な差別を示す
fire /ˈfajɚ/: to dismiss (someone) from a job
ex) She had to fire several workers.
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Advanced English Expressions – #048
□ severance pay 解雇手当、退職金
ex) How much severance pay will you receive?
いくら位の 退職金を受け取るのでしょうか?
severance pay /ˈsɛvərəns/: the act of ending someone’s employment
ex) She received a good severance package [=money and other benefits given when employment is ended] when she was laid off.
□ severance (関係など)終了、断絶
ex) A severance of diplomatic relations usually occurs as a result of the onset of war.
外交関係の終了は 戦争の勃発を機に 生じるものである
severance pay/ˈsɛvərəns/: the act of ending a relationship, connection, etc.
ex) An argument between you and your cousin could turn into a complete severance between the two branches of your family.
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Casual English Phrases – #609
□ a pink slip 解雇通知
ex) I’ve just been pink-slipped.
ex) A year after he got his pink slip, he was still looking for work.
pink slip /ˈslɪp/: a notice that is given to a worker by an employer saying that the worker’s job is ending
ex) Thousands of factory workers have been given the pink slip in recent months.
ex) We will discharge several employees in May.
5月に 数名のスタッフを解雇するであろう
ex) He was discharged for violating workplace conduct rules.
彼は 従業員規則を破ったため 解雇された
ex) Discharge from employment often comes as a surprise to an employee.
解雇は 従業員にとって 前触れなく訪れる
discharge /dɪsˈtʃɑɚʤ/ : to take away the job of (someone)
ex) The company illegally discharged [=fired] several union organizers.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #1,452
□ send … packing …を追い出す、解雇する
ex) The company will send me packing.
会社は 私をクビにするであろう
send (one) packing /ˈpæk/: to dismiss or send one away rudely or abruptly
ex) I decided I wanted to live alone and I sent him packing.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #279
□ furlough (給与の出ない)休暇、一時解雇
ex) The hotel is keeping its 63 employees furloughed.
そのホテルは 63名の従業員を 無給休暇の状態にしている
furlough /ˈfɚˌloʊ/: a period of time when an employee is told not to come to work and is not paid
ex) Each employee will have a one-day furlough every month.
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英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #764
□ dismissal 免職、解雇
ex) Repeated unexcused tardiness may be a cause for dismissal.
繰り返しの 無断欠勤は 解雇の対象となりうる
dismissal /dɪsˈmɪsəl/: the act of removing someone from employment or office
ex) Dismissal is the termination of employment by an employer against the will of the employee.
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Advanced English Expressions – #464
□ dismissive (考える事・検討することを)拒否している、否定的な
ex) He was dismissive of my idea.
彼は 私の意見を 検討することを 拒んだ
dismissive /dɪsˈmɪsɪv/: refusing to think about or consider something or someone — usually + of
ex) If you have a dismissive boss, chances are you will react by withdrawing and not contributing optimally to the organization.
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ex) Lying during a job interview can also be grounds for dismissal later on.
就職面接での 虚偽は 後に 解雇の原因にも なりうる
dismissal /dɪsˈmɪsəl/: the act of ordering or allowing someone to leave
ex) Hand the dismissal letter to the employee at the end of the meeting.
□ ground 理由、根拠
ex) We have no grounds for believing that the crisis will end soon.
その危機が すぐに終わることを 信じる根拠はない
ground /ˈgraʊnd/ a reason for doing or thinking something
ex) The company has been accused of discriminating on the grounds of race.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #333
□ disciplinary action 懲戒処分 = disciplinary measures
ex) Violation of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.
この取り決めを守らないと 解雇を含む 懲戒処分の対象にもなりうる
disciplinary action: penalties that lead to a prevention of undesired behaviour
ex) Whenever disciplinary measures of any type are considered, employers must always ensure that the discipline is applied to all employees across the board.
□ disciplinary 規律上の、訓練の
ex) There’s a disciplinary boot camps for kids.
子供向けの 規律厳しい 短期集中合宿がある
disciplinary /ˈdɪsəpləˌneri/: intended to correct or punish bad behavior
ex) The committee is considering disciplinary measures against him.
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Advanced English Expressions – #838
□ dereliction of duty 職務怠慢
ex) The officer was formally charged with dereliction of duty.
その警官は 職務怠慢の罪で告発されている
dereliction /ˌderəˈlɪkʃən/ : the act of no longer caring for, using, or doing something : the act of abandoning something
ex) The building is in a state of dereliction.
= is in poor condition from being abandoned
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courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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