英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Vision – Eyesight – 視力・視覚 を英語で表現

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Vision – Eyesight – 視力・視覚 を英語で表現

vision 視力
ex) I have good vision.

ex) How good are your eyes?

ex) How well can you actually see?

vision /ˈvɪʒən/: the ability to see : sight or eyesight
ex) She has good/poor vision.

eyesight 視力視覚
ex) I have good eyesight, so I don’t need glasses.
視力が良いので メガネは要りません

ex) How good is your eyesight?

eyesight /ˈaɪˌsaɪt/: the ability to see
ex) He wears glasses because his eyesight is not good.

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Casual English Phrases – #619

eagle-eyed  眼力観察力の鋭い
ex) The actor and his girlfriend were caught out by eagle-eyed fans.
その俳優と 恋人はデートしている所を 観察力の鋭いファンたちに 見つかってしまった

eagle-eyed /ˌēɡəlˈīd/: quick to notice things; observant.
ex) An eagle-eyed reader spotted the error in last week’s column.

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naked eye 裸眼で
ex) I can spot traffic signs with my naked eye.
交通標識を裸眼で 見分けられる

ex) I can read that sign with my naked eye.

ex) I can recognize my friends across from the street with my naked eye.
道の向こうの友達を 裸眼で認識できる

the naked eye /ˈneɪkəd/: unassisted vision, without a telescope, microscope, or other device.
ex) Through his telescope he observed myriads of stars invisible to the naked eye.

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Casual English Phrases – #298

see no further than (one’s) (own) nose 近視眼的なものの見方をする、視野が偏狭である
ex) Our boss is ambitious, but she can’t see further than her nose.
上司は 野心家であるが、近視眼的な ものの見方しか できない

see no further than (the end of) (one’s) (own) nose: to lack the ability to foresee problems, issues, or obligations beyond the present or immediate future.
ex) The future of our world is being dictated by the greedy leaders of corporations who can see no further than the end of their own noses.

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初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

measure one’s vision力を測る
ex) I want to measure my vision at home.

measure /ˈmɛʒɚ/: to find out the size, length, or amount of (something)
ex) I measured [=estimated] the distance with my eye.

visual acuity (医) 視力を測る
ex) How is visual acuity measured?
どうやって 視力を測るのですか?

visual acuity chart 視力検査票 = eye chart
ex) The visual acuity chart is held at a specified reading distance.
視力検査票は 一定の距離を保って 固定される

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Advanced English Expressions – #205

acuity (知覚などの)鋭敏さ
ex) The mental activity of computing has been shown to sharpen the acuity of seniors.
暗算は 年輩の人の 頭脳を鋭敏にすると 見られている

acuity /əˈkjuːwəti/: the ability to see, hear, or understand something easily
ex) As lawyers, we call on our intellectual acuity to keep control over our environment.

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eye test 視力検査
ex) During an eye test, eye doctors use eye charts to measure how well you see in the distance.
視力検査の間 眼科医は 視力検査票を使って どれ位 眼が良く見えるかを測る

eye test /ˈtɛst/: a series of examinations performed by an ophthalmologist assessing vision and ability to focus on and discern objects
ex) We recommend an eye exam every two years if no vision correction is required.

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Casual English Phrases – #727

blurred vision  目のかすみ、かすみ目
ex) You may also experience blurred distance vision when changing your focus from near to far objects.
近くから、遠くを見ようと 焦点をずらす時に 目のかすみを 経験するかもしれない

blurry /ˈblɚri/: not clearly or distinctly visible or audible
ex) At its least extreme, blurry vision can include mild blurring of objects at a distance or close up.

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Casual English Phrases – #292

prescription glasses 度の入ったメガネ
ex) That eyewear shop offers prescription glasses at discount prices.
あの眼鏡店では 度の入ったメガネを割引で販売している

eyeglass prescription /prɪˈskrɪpʃən/: an order written by an eyewear prescriber, such as an optometrist or ophthalmologist
ex) When you look at a standard prescription, the first word you’ll see is “Distance”.

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ophthalmologist 眼科医 = eye specialist
ex) Ophthalmologists examine eyes for both vision and health problems.
眼科医は 視力と 眼の病気 を共に検診する

ophthalmologist /ˌɑːfθəlˈmɑːləʤɪst/: a doctor who studies and treats problems and diseases of the eye
ex) Ophthalmologists must obtain a medical license before entering into a certification training program.

optometrist 検眼医、検眼士
ex) What are the requirements to be an optometrist?

optometrist /ɑpˈtɑːmətrɪst/: a person whose job is to examine people’s eyes to find out if they need eyeglasses or medical treatment
ex) Comprehensive eye exams are provided by licensed optometrists.

vision correction with glasses メガネによる視力矯正
ex) Many of us require vision correction with glasses to some degree.
私たちの多くは ある程度の メガネによる視力矯正を必要としている

correction /kəˈrɛkʃən/: a change that makes something right, true, accurate, etc.
ex) If you are an older adult considering LASIK, you might choose to have your vision corrected for monovision.

poor vision 視力が弱い
ex) Many people are born with poor vision.
多くの人が 生まれつき 視力が弱い

poor vision /ˈpuɚ/: the loss of sharpness of eyesight,
ex) See how poor vision can affect 4 tasks that will make you think twice about skipping an eye exam.

focus flexibility 眼の焦点を合わせる柔軟性
ex) Loss of focus flexibility is a typical eye problem.
焦点を合わせる柔軟性の低下は 典型的な 視力の問題だ

focus flexibility /ˌflɛksəˈbɪləti/ : the ability to change focus from a faraway object to a near one, or vice versa
ex) As we age, the focusing lenses become less flexible.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,497

20/20 vision 正常視力眼がよく見える
ex) I have twenty-twenty vision in both eyes.

20/20 /ˈtwɛntiˈtwɛnti/: having good vision and able to see without glasses
ex) My mother has 20/20 vision.
= She has normal vision.

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be nearsighted 近視の
ex) He needs glasses because he’s nearsighted.
彼は 近視で メガネが必要だ

nearsighted /ˈniɚˌsaɪtəd/: unable to see things that are far away
ex) Metal frames can be used for nearsighted eyeglasses, especially if the prescription is mild or moderate.

myopia 近視 = nearsightedness
ex) I’m near sighted and everything’s blurry without contact glasses.
私は近視で 眼鏡なしだと すべてが ぼやけて見える

myopia /maɪˈoʊpijə/: a condition of the eye that makes it difficult to see objects that are far away : nearsightedness
ex) She wears eyeglasses to correct her myopia.

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hyperopia 遠視 = farsightedness
ex) Everything gets blurry up close, I’m probably farsighted.
近くの物が かすんで見えるので 恐らく遠視だ

hyperopia /ˌhīpəˈrōpēə/: A vision condition in which nearby objects look blurred, but distant objects are more clearly visible.
ex) It is perfectly normal for most children to have mild hyperopia early in life.

vision becomes worse 視力が落ちる
ex) If you’re wearing eyeglasses with incorrect prescription, your vision will become worse.
度の合わないメガネをかけていると 視力が落ちる

worsen /ˈwɚsn̩/: to make (something) worse or to become worse
ex) Is it true that our vision will worsen with age?

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Advanced English Expressions – #987

impaired  (身体など)障害のある、(機械など)正常に機能しない
ex) There are several difficulties faced by customers with visual impairments when using ATM.

impaired /ɪmˈpeɚd/: weakened or damaged
ex) The disease causes impaired vision in elderly people.

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