英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > All wet – Misstep – 失敗する
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All wet – Misstep – 失敗する を英語で表現
“失敗” するの基本表現 – fail – fail to – failure
ex) He was often crippled by his fear of failure.
失敗への恐怖のため、彼は よく身動きがとれなくなる
failure /ˈfeɪljɚ/ : the act or result of failing
ex) Failure is a lack of success in doing or achieving something.
ex) He failed in his first attempt.
初回の試みで 失敗した
fail /ˈfeɪl/: to end without success
ex) The project failed completely.
その企画は 完全に失敗した
ex) He failed to mention his new girlfriend when he spoke to his parents.
両親と話しをした時 新しい恋人について 彼は話しそこねた
fail to /ˈfeɪl/: to not do (something that you should do or are expected to do)
ex) He failed to act on the advice of his staff.
= He should have acted on their advice but he didn’t.

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Casual English Phrases – #182
□ foul-up 失敗、不備、へま
ex) We seek to avoid another foul-up.
失敗の再発回避法 を模索している
foul–up /ˈfaʊlˌʌp/: a problem caused by someone making a mistake or being careless
ex) They had to deal with yet another administrative foul-up.
ex) She was blamed for the company’s downfall. =decline, ruin
彼女は 会社の失墜に関し 非難を浴びた
downfall /ˈdaʊnˌfɑːl/: a sudden loss of power, happiness, success, etc.
ex) Their downfall was the result of several bad decisions.
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Casual English Phrases – #477
□ fall flat 失敗に終わる、成果を生まない
ex) Why did the meeting fall flat?
なぜ 会議は 失敗に終わったのだろうか?
fall flat /ˈflæt/ : to produce no response or result
ex) All of his jokes fell flat.
= No one laughed at his jokes.
Casual English Phrases – #062
□ make a blunder (要領が悪く)へまする、失敗する
ex) The government blundered by not acting sooner.
政府は 行動が遅れ へまをした
blunder /ˈblʌndɚ/: to make a stupid or careless mistake
ex) That’s your second blunder this morning.
ex) Salary negotiation strategies can backfire.
給与交渉の 戦略は 裏目に出る事がある
backfire /ˈbækˌfajɚ/: to have the opposite result of what was desired or expected
ex) Our plans backfired (on us).

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Casual English Phrases – #1,578
□ lay an egg (恥ずかしい)失敗をする、不成功に終わる
ex) He used to be a very popular star, but his last two movies have laid an egg.
彼はかつて人気俳優であったが、過去2作の英語は 失敗に終わった
lay an egg /ˈleɪ/ : to fail completely : to fail in a very obvious or embarrassing way
ex) We knew we couldn’t just go out and lay an egg today, even with the opponent that we were playing

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Casual English Phrases – #1,087
□ misstep 失敗、踏み誤り
ex) We made make a strategic misstep. = blunder
misstep /ˌmɪsˈstɛp/ noun: an action or decision that is a mistake
ex) Their decision to relocate the company was a major misstep.

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Casual English Phrases – #777
□ botch (経験不足・未熟さによる)失敗する、へまをする
ex) They clearly botched the investigation.
彼らは 捜査に失敗した
ex) He says botched work on home by contractor led to formation of mold.
住宅建設で 下請け業者の 未熟な作業が カビの発生をもたらした
botch /ˈbɑːtʃ/: to ruin (something) because of carelessness or a lack of skill
ex) The plumbers made a botch of the pipes.
= The plumbers did a poor job with the pipes.
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Casual English Phrases – #112
□ drop the ball 失敗する
ex) It’s OK to drop a ball, and pick it back up later.
失敗しても 後でやり直せばよい
drop the ball /ˈbɑːl/: to make a mistake especially by not doing something important
ex) I think the mayor dropped the ball by not hiring more police officers.

英語表現の 「質」を一気に高めよう!
丸ごと使える 英語フレーズ – 1,000
Upgraded English Phrases – #006
□ If you drop the ball, just pick it back up. もし 失敗しても やり直せばよい
ex) It’s okay to drop the ball at work as you can pick it back up at any time.
仕事で失敗しても 構わない、いつでも やり直せるから
pick it back up /ˈbɑːl/: continue doing something that you had stopped doing
ex) I haven’t spoken English for a long time, but I’m sure I could pick it back up again.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,296
□ fall through (計画、申し出)失敗に終わる
ex) Our vacation plans have fallen through.
休暇の計画は うまくいかなかった
fall through /ˈfɑːl/ : to fail or stop in a sudden or final way
ex) Contract negotiations have fallen through.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 2,000
Advanced English Expressions – #154
□ setback 失敗、妨げ、敗北 (成功を妨げるもの)
ex) You can take back control by knowing the secret to overcome any setback.
過去の失敗の乗り越える方法を知ることによって 自制心を取り戻せる
setback /ˈsɛtˌbæk/: a problem that makes progress more difficult or success less likely
ex) Despite some early setbacks, they eventually became a successful company.
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Casual English Phrases – #606
□ all wet 失敗する
ex) I did not check all those details and I was all wet in the meeting.
ex) She did not check her facts and as a result she came up all wet in the meeting.
彼女ファクトチェックをぜず、結果として 会議で失敗した
all wet /ˈwɛt/: completely wrong, not correct
ex) She told him that his argument was all wet.
彼の討論は 失敗に終わった
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #085
□ clunker (完全な)失敗
ex) That joke was a real clunker.
clunker /ˈklʌŋkɚ/: something that is a complete failure
ex) The director’s recent films have all been clunkers.
アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000
Casual English Phrases – #680
□ go sour うまくいかない、失敗する、悪化する
ex) It looks like all my plans are going sour.
計画は 全部 失敗に向かっているように思える
go sour /ˈsawɚ/: to turn bad or unpleasant
ex) My whole life is going sour right now.
英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000
Advanced English Expressions – #475
□ catastrophe 大失敗、大惨事
ex) The food was cold, the guests quarreled—the whole dinner was a catastrophe.
料理は冷たく、ゲストは喧嘩を始めて… 夕食会は全てが大失敗であった
catastrophe /kəˈtæstrəfi/: utter failure
ex) The party was a catastrophe.
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Casual English Phrases – #984
□ bomb 大失敗する
ex) The movie bombed at the box office.
その映画の興行成績は 大失敗であった
bomb /ˈbɑːm/: to fail completely
ex) The plan bombed (out).
□ bomb 大失敗、完全な失敗
ex) The party was a bomb.
そのパーティは 失敗であった
bomb /ˈbɑːm/ something that is a complete failure
ex) The movie was a bomb.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,619
□ bungle 失敗、失敗する (ぶざま、マイナスイメージ)
ex) They blamed him for the bungle.
彼の失敗を 非難した
bungle /ˈbʌŋgəl/: to make mistakes in doing (something)
ex) He bungled his first attempt to manage a group of professional players.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,618
□ through no fault of one’s own … が悪いわけではないのに、…に責任はないのに
ex) So, through no fault of my own, I was at a loose end quite a bit.
through no fault of one’s own /ˈfɑːlt/: used to say that something bad that happened to someone was not caused by them
ex) In my opinion Anna acted more childishly but through no fault of her own.
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