英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Pole – Hanging Strap – 「(電車内)手すり・つり革」 を英語で表現 – 英会話例文集 を 英語で表現

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Pole – Hanging Strap – 「(電車内)手すり・つり革」 を英語で表現

a car (電車の)1車両 =(Brit) carriages, coaches
ex) There is space for suitcases behind the last row of seats in each car.

an eight-car train   8両編成の電車
ex) The subway line began running eight-car subways during rush periods.

car /ˈkɑɚ/: a separate section of a train
ex) The train has 20 cars.

frequency        頻度、(一定期間に起こる)回数
ex) Trains run at a sporadic frequencies around noon.

frequency /ˈfriːkwənsi/: the number of times that something happens during a particular period
ex) They’ll reopen shuttered stations and increase train frequencies.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,064

sporadic      散発的なまばらな
ex) The bullet train travels at high speeds with only sporadic stops.

sporadic /spəˈrædɪk/ : not constant or steady
ex) The train still runs sporadically especially on the straightaways.

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初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

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Casual English Phrases – #1,065

hanging strap (電車内の)吊革
ex) Hang on to the hanging strap.

strap /ˈstræp/: a narrow and usually flat piece of a material that is used for fastening, holding together, or wrapping something
ex) The subway cars have fixed-in-place straps that a person could hang onto.

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pole (電車内の)手すり
ex) The subways have the vertical poles in the middle of the cars.
地下鉄の 車両の中央に手すりがある

pole /ˈpoʊl/: a long, straight piece of wood, metal, etc., that is often placed in the ground so that it stands straight up
ex) Don’t lean against a subway pole.

the rack in the train    網棚
ex) There are racks above the seats.

rack /ˈræk/: a frame or stand that has shelves, hooks, slots, etc., in which or on which you place thingsk
ex) Use the overhead rack.

英語力を活かせる お仕事。 主婦向きです!


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Casual English Phrases – #539

single-track (電車の線路)単線の
ex) Single track is usually found on lesser-used rail lines, often branch lines.
単線の線路は 支線など 頻度の少ない路線で 見受けられる

single-track /ˈtræk/: having only one track
ex) A single-track railway is a railway where trains traveling in both directions share the same track.

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体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!

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Casual English Phrases – #1,066

manspreading (電車などで)大股で座る行為
ex) Women sometimes view manspreading as an aggressive posture, which can be a bit unnerving.
大股で座る 通勤客の姿勢を 攻撃的で 不安をかき立てるような 行為であると 感じる 女性もいる

manspreading /ˈman-ˌspre-diŋ/: referring to the practice of men sitting in public transport with legs wide apart
ex) Is there anything more rude than manspreading on public transportation during rush hour?

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Advanced English Expressions – #514

unnerving 不安をかき立てるぎょっとする
ex) Getting stuck for hours in traffic is unnerving.
交通渋滞に 数時間巻き込まれることは 不安をかき立てる

unnerving /ənˈnərviNG/: causing one to lose courage or confidence; disconcerting.
ex) I had an unnerving encounter with her yesterday.

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four seats facing each other 4席が ボックス状 に配置されている
ex) The padded seats are arranged in groups of 4 seats facing each other.
パッド付の座席は 4席が向かい合う形で 配置されている

face /ˈfeɪs/ : to stand or sit with your face and body turned toward (something or someone)
ex) Place two mirrors facing each other.

a seat facing backwards (ボックスシートで)進行方向と 逆向きの座席
ex) It is not possible to book a seat facing forwards or backwards.
電車の座席を 進行方向向き または 逆向きを選んで 予約することは出来ない

ex) Going backwards on the train makes me feel a bit sick.
電車で 進行方向と 逆向きで座っていると 気分が悪くなる

backward (chiefly US) /ˈbækwɚd/: toward the back : to or toward what is behind
ex) I want to know the reason that sitting backwards on a train is more sickening than sitting forward.

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Advanced English Expressions – #515

vacate (土地・スペースなどを)明け渡す
ex) Please vacate Priority Seating for people with a disability.
優先席を 体の不自由な人のために 空けてください

vacate /ˈveɪˌkeɪt/: to leave (a seat, hotel room, etc.)
ex) You must vacate the space for a person in a wheelchair.

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courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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