英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Age – Outgrow – 「年齢(年令)・成長・育つ」 を英語で表現 – 英会話例文集 を 英語で表現

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Age – Outgrow – 「年齢・成長・育つ」を英語で表現

□ age   年を取る老けさせる
ex) Exposure to the sun has aged her skin.
太陽への露出は 肌を老けさせる

age /ˈeɪʤ/: to become old or older
ex) He hasn’t aged a day since he was placed in the chamber.


age 熟成する
ex) Every wine ages differently.
全てのワインは 異なる形で熟成する

age /ˈeɪʤ/ (of food or drink) : to be stored for a period of time in order to gain desired qualities
ex) The wine ages in oak barrels.

with age      年令とともに時間が経つとともに
ex) Some honey becomes sour and off-flavor with age.
ハチミツの味は 時間の経過とともに 酸味がまし、味が薄れる

□ … decline with age    …は年とともに減少する
ex) Levels of most hormones reported to decline with advancing age.
ホルモンのレベルは 年令とともに 低下する

decline /dɪˈklaɪn/: to become lower in amount or less in number
ex) Job opportunities decline with age.

初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

□ be my age 私と同じ年の
ex) When you’re my age, you’ll understand.

be all my age 皆同じ位の年令だ
ex) Many of my co-workers are all my age and I have a lot in common with them.
多くの同僚が 私と同じ年齢なので、共通の話題が たくさんある

be one’s age /ˈeɪʤ/: to be as old as someone
ex) Do you ever date someone your age or go for the older types?

close in age 年令が近い
ex) How close in age are your siblings?
兄弟の年令差は どれ位ありますか

close /ˈkloʊs/: almost the same
ex) One of the best things about having kids close in age is that they always have a buddy ready to play with them.

□ be getting close to the age when …   …する年齢に近づきつつある
ex) He is getting close to the age when he has outgrown the shirt.
そのシャツが 小さくなって 着られない年齢に なりつつある

close /ˈkloʊs/: near in time
ex) My birthday is close to Thanksgiving.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000

Advanced English Expressions – #421

outgrow 体がより 大きく成長する
ex) The plant has outgrown my garden.
その植物は 成長して

outgrow /ˌaʊtˈgroʊ/: to grow too large for (someone or something)
ex) Kids outgrow their clothes so quickly.

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英語力を活かせる お仕事。 主婦向きです!


アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #691

siblings 1 year apart 年子
ex) How far apart should you space your kids?
子供の年令は どの位の期間を空けて 出産するのがよいですか?
= How far apart in age should your kids be?

ex) Consider the risks of timing pregnancies too close together or too far apart.
2人の子供の 年令差が 近すぎる・離れすぎているときの リスクを考えてみましょう

siblings 1 year apart /ˈsɪblɪŋ/: either of a pair of siblings born less than 12 months apart
ex) What are the pros/cons to raising children roughly 1 year apart?


アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #1,343

age gap 年令の差
ex) Is there a perfect sibling age gap?
兄弟の年令差で 一番良いのは どのくらいですか?

gap /ˈgæp/: a difference between two people, groups, or things
ex) How did the large age gap affect your relationship when you were younger?

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□ live to be …   …才まで生きる
ex) How old can sea turtles live to be?
ウミガメは 何歳まで 生きられますか?

live /ˈlɪv/: to be alive
ex) Has anyone lived to be 150 years old?

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #1,263

□ a late bloomer   成長発育の遅い人
ex) He was, as he put it, a late bloomer.
彼は 自分でも言うように 遅咲きであった

bloomer /ˈbluːmɚ/: someone who becomes successful, attractive, etc., at a later time in life than other people
ex) The late-blooming guitar player made his mark.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #903

make one’s mark 有名になる頭角を現す成功する
ex) He worked at several jobs, but he didn’t make much of a mark in any of them.
彼は 幾つかの職場で仕事をしたが どこでも頭角を現すことはなかった

make one’s mark /ˈmɑɚk/: make your mark: to do something that causes you to be remembered
ex) We knew she would make her mark as a teacher.

make a mark on 記録を残すマーク・印を付ける
ex) Use a pencil to make a mark on the wall at the very top of your head.
鉛筆で壁に 自分の頭の一番上の 高さのところに 印をつけて

make a mark /ˈmɑɚk/: to write on (something)
ex) Every month I mark height on the growth chart

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grow (up) a lot 急に成長する大人になる
ex) Your baby must have grown a lot.
赤ちゃんは 随分大きく育ったことでしょう

grow /ˈgroʊ/: to become larger
ex) You’ve grown up very quickly.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #1,432

gain height 身長が伸びる
ex) You have gained height.
(会わないうちに)随分 身長が伸びたね

height /ˈhaɪt/: a measurement of how tall a person or thing is
ex) You might be able to increase your height by about 1.3cm by stretching out your spine daily.


アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #901

stadiometer 身長計
ex) Using a digital stadiometer will yield a more accurate result.
デジタルの 身長計 を使う事で より正確に身長を測る事ができる

stadiometer (ˌstād-ē-ˈäm-ət-ər): a device for measuring height that typically consists of a vertical ruler with a sliding horizontal rod or paddle which is adjusted to rest on the top of the head
ex) A stadiometer is usually constructed out of a ruler and a sliding horizontal headpiece which is adjusted to rest on the top of the head.

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英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000

Advanced English Expressions – #691

formative years (人格の)形成期発育期
ex) His family traveled widely during his formative years.
彼の 人格形成期(若い頃)に、彼の家族は 色々な場所へ旅行をした

formative /ˈfoɚmətɪv/: used to describe the time when someone or something is growing or being formed
ex) Adolescence is a formative period for learning gender roles and expected behaviors regarding the opposite sex.

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体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!

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Advanced English Expressions – #819

chronological age 実際の年齢
ex) Chronological age is measured in years.
実年齢は (生まれてからの)年月によって 測定される
chronological /ˌkrɑːnəˈlɑːʤɪkəl/ age: the age of a person as measured from birth to a given date
ex) His chronological age is five, but his mental age is three.

biological age 生物学的年齢
ex) Biological age is assessed by a person’s physical and mental functions.
生物学的年齢は 身体や 精神の常態により 計算される

biological age /ˌbajəˈlɑːʤɪkəl/: how old your body seems, based on a number of factors, including how your chromosomes have changed over time
ex) The basic idea behind biological aging is that aging occurs as you gradually accumulate damage to various cells and tissues in the body.

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How old do you have to be to … … するのに年齢制限はありますか
ex) How old do you have to be to rent a car?
レンタカーを借りるのに 年齢制限はありますか?

cf) Is the minimum age to rent a vehicle 20 years old?
レンタカーを借りる際の 年齢制限は 20才 以上ですか?

old /ˈoʊld/: a person who has a specified age
ex) How old do you have to be to order pizza?


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Casual English Phrases – #487

rebellious age 反抗期
ex) At what age are children the most rebellious?
何才の時 子供あちは もっとも反抗的ですか?

cf) Teenage rebellion is a part of human development in young adults.
10代の反抗期は 青年の成長発展の一部である

be in a rebellious stage 反抗期にある
ex) Parents expect children to go through similar rebellious stages as they grow.
親たちは 子供たちが 成長につれて 反抗期を卒業するものと 期待している

rebellious /rɪˈbɛljəs/: refusing to obey rules or authority or to accept normal standards of behavior, dress, etc.
ex) We found that empathetic children who also show some rebellious and antisocial behaviors have more friends.

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□ … of all age groups 全年齢グループの
ex) This is the easiest clay craft for kids of all age groups.
これは どの年令の子供にも もっとも簡単な 粘土工芸です

age group /ˈāj ˌɡro͞op/: a number of people or things classed together as being of similar age
ex) A psychologist shares tips for talking to children of all ages.

□ How old are most of the people ?   何才位の人が一番多いですか
ex) How old are most people when they get their first job?
何才位でに 最初の仕事を始める人が多いのですか?

old /ˈoʊld/: a person who has a specified age
ex) How old are most people in your country?

□ what age 何才
ex) What do you think is the best age to be?

cf) How old is too old to be a musician?
ミュージシャンになるには 遅すぎる年令は いくつですか?

age /āj/the length of time that a person has lived or a thing has existed.
ex) What age is the prime of your life?

□ As we advance in age 年齢を重ねるにつれて
ex) It can occur throughout life, even as we advance into old age.
それは 年齢に関わらず起こる、老齢に差し掛かってもだ

advance /ədˈvæns/: having lived for many years
ex) Advanced maternal age at childbirth is associated with a higher level of morbidity.


英会話講師たちが、日々の個人レッスンに用いる、フレーズや、言い回しを持ち寄って英語例文集を作っています。 勉強になりますよ!


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courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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