英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Bargain – Markdown – Discount – 「値下げ・値引き・割引」 を英語で表現

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Bargain – Markdown – Discount – 「値下げ・値引き・割引」を英語で表現

lower the price 価格を下げる
ex) We lowered the price of the product so that its retail price is $7.
価格を下げ、その商品の小売価格は 7ドルだ

lower /ˈlowɚ/: to reduce the loudness of (something)
ex) Fuel prices have been lowered in recent weeks.

bargain 値段を交渉して決める
ex) I get upset when people want to buy my art but try to bargain me on my selling prices.
私の作品に対し 値段交渉をして来る人たちに対して 頭にくる

ex) I bargained with the clerk and got a good deal.
値下げ交渉がうまくいった bargain – clerk

bargain for a better price 値引き交渉をする
ex) He is excellent at bargaining for better prices on antiques.
彼は アンティーク商品の 値引き交渉に長けている

bargain /ˈbɑɚgən/: to discuss an agreement or price in order to make it more appealing
ex) The price listed is quite high, but the seller might be willing to bargain.

bargain お買い得品取引き(値段交渉の 駆け引き)
ex) For that price, the suit is a real bargain.
その価格で スーツが買えるなんて 本当にお得だ

ex) I got a bargain on the plane tickets.
航空券を お得な価格で購入した
= The plane tickets were a bargain.

bargain /ˈbɑɚgən/: something that is bought or sold for a price which is lower than the actual value
ex) The union is trying to strike a bargain [=reach an agreement, make a deal] with the company.

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Casual English Phrases – #688

markdowns   値下げ
ex) Markdown optimization is all the rage of retailers.
値下げ幅の最適化が、あちこちの 小売店で見受けられる

markdown /ˈmɑɚkˌdaʊn/: a reduction in price
ex) Markdowns mean less profit margin and lower profits is never healthy for any business.

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volume discount まとめ買いによる割引 = quantity discount
ex) Volume discounts are available per purchase.
まとめ買いによる割引は 購入毎 にご利用いただけます

volume discount /ˈdɪsˌkaʊnt/ : an economic incentive to encourage individuals or businesses to purchase goods in multiple units or in large quantities
ex) A volume discount is an adjustment to the price of a product based on the quantity of that product in an order.

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Casual English Phrases – #249

□ nosedive 急に落ちる
ex) Oil prices have nosedived since last year.
昨年から 石油の値段が がた落ちとなった

nosedive (ˈnōzˌdīv): a steep downward plunge by an aircraft.
ex) The pilot put the plane in a nosedive and ejected.

take a nosedive (数値や 飛行機など)急下降する
ex) His career has taken a nosedive.
彼のキャリアは がた落ちの状態になった

nosedive /ˈnoʊzˌdaɪv/: a sudden sharp drop in price, value, condition, etc.
ex) The stock market took a nosedive.

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英会話講師 デビューのチャンス!

reduction 値下げ
ex) The effect of a price reduction is smaller than the coupon effect.
値下げの効果は クーポンの効果より 売上貢献度が低い

reduction /rɪˈdʌkʃən/ : an amount by which something is reduced
ex) Cost reduction can be generally defined as the act of cutting costs to improve profitability.

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Casual English Phrases – #783

beat the price        値切る
ex) We can’t be beaten on price.

beat the price /ˈbiːt/ : to force or persuade (a seller) to accept a lower price.
beat – beat – beaten /ˈbiːtn̩/
ex) I beat him down three dollars.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,342

haggle 値切る値下げの交渉をする議論する
ex) I dislike having to haggle (with a salesman) over the price of a new car.
新車の値下げ交渉をすることは 好まない

haggle /ˈhægəl/: to talk or argue with someone especially in order to agree on a price
ex) She is good at haggling.

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英会話講師たちが、日々の個人レッスンに用いる、フレーズや、言い回しを持ち寄って英語例文集を作っています。 勉強になりますよ!


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courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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