英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Tired – Exhausted – 「疲れる、疲労」 を英語で表現

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ご夫婦、兄弟、家族みんなで 始める 英会話

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Tired – Exhausted – 「疲れる、疲労」 を英語で表現

be tired 疲れている
ex) I was really tired after the long trip.

tired /ˈtajɚd/: feeling a need to rest or sleep
ex) The children were tired after the hike.

be exhausted 疲れる
ex) The children were exhausted after their day at the beach.

exhaust /ɪgˈzɑːst/: to use all of someone’s mental or physical energy : to tire out or wear out (someone) completely
ex) If you keep working these long hours, you’re just going to exhaust yourself.
= Working these long hours will just exhaust you.

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Advanced English Expressions – #584

inexhaustible 疲れを知らない、(活力など)無尽蔵の限りない
ex) He seems to have inexhaustible energy.
彼は無尽蔵の活力を 持っているように思える

inexhaustible /ˌɪnɪgˈzɑːstəbəl/: impossible to use up completely : impossible to exhaust
ex) The world’s supply of oil is not inexhaustible.

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□ fatigue 疲れ、疲労
ex) Fatigue isn’t something that we can just ignore, or shake off.
疲労は 無視したり、取り除くように 対処できるものではない

fatigue /fəˈtiːg/: the state of being very tired : extreme weariness
ex) We were overcome by fatigue after the long journey.

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Casual English Phrases – #501

shake off (病気などを)治す、取り除く
ex) I thought I could shake off my headache soon.
頭痛は すぐに直せるものと 思っていた

shake off /ˈʃeɪk/: to get away from or get rid of (someone or something)
ex) He is trying to shake off a cold.

shake /ˈʃeɪk/ – shook /ˈʃʊk/ – shaken /ˈʃeɪkən/

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初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

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Casual English Phrases – #1,268

weary 疲れている弱っている
ex) We were weary after a long shift.
長いシフト労働の後で 疲れていた

weary /ˈwiri/: lacking strength, energy, or freshness because of a need for rest or sleep
ex) I need to rest my weary eyes.

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英語力を活かせる お仕事。 主婦向きです!

□ feel limp 疲れる
ex) Hot bath may make you feel limp and tired while you’re sick.
体調不良の間 熱いお風呂は あなたを疲れさせるかも知れない

limp /ˈlɪmp/: feeling very tired
ex) He was limp with fatigue.


limp (植物)しおれている、弱々しい
ex) I’m wondering why is my cactus limp?
なぜ 私のサボテンは しおれているのだろうか?

limp /ˈlɪmp/: having an unpleasantly soft or weak quality : not firm or stiff
ex) This plant isn’t doing well—look how limp the leaves are.

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体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!

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Casual English Phrases – #1,048

wear out  疲れさせる
ex) She was worn out [=exhausted] from exercising.
彼女は エクササイズで疲れていた

wear out /ˈweɚ/: to make (someone) tired
ex) All that work in the yard yesterday really wore me out.


wear out 摩耗する
ex) The bristles will wear out over time.
歯ブラシの毛先は 使用しているうちに摩耗する

wear out /ˈweɚ/: to become thinner, weaker, or no longer useful because of use or to cause (something) to become thinner, weaker, or no longer useful because of use
ex) The tires wore out after 60,000 miles.

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Casual English Phrases – #535

be the worse for wear 疲れて
ex) She looks worse for wear as she leaves a bar at 2 a.m.
彼女は バーを午前2時に出て、疲れ切ったように見えた

worse for (the) wear /ˈweɚ/: looks worse after doing or experiencing something.
ex) He came out of basic training only slightly the worse for wear.

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Casual English Phrases – #582

be drained  疲れ切る
ex) After a long day of seeing customers, I’m drained.

drain /ˈdreɪn/ : to make (someone) very physically or mentally tired
ex) The work drained [=exhausted] me.


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Casual English Phrases – #546

go down the drain 無駄になる、水の泡となる
ex) All my hard work went down the drain.

down the drain: used to describe something that is being wasted or lost
ex) You’re pouring your money down the drain.
= You’re wasting your money.

drain 枯渇の原因無駄水の泡
ex) Tuition costs are a drain on the family income.
授業料は 家計の重荷である

drain /ˈdreɪn/: something that uses a lot of time, money, etc.
ex) The war has been a big drain on the country’s resources.

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Casual English Phrases – #814

groggy (疲れや 薬の効果で) 意識がもうろうとした思うように 動けない・考えられない
ex) I’m still a little groggy from my nap.
昼寝の跡 意識がぼんやりしている

groggy /ˈgrɑːgi/: not able to think or move normally because of being tired, sick, etc.
ex) The medicine sometimes makes patients groggy.

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Advanced English Expressions – #639

lethargic  不活発な気だるい無気力な昏睡状態の
ex) I felt tired and a little lethargic.
疲れていて 無気力に感じる

lethargic /ləˈθɑɚʤɪk/: feeling a lack of energy or a lack of interest in doing things
ex) The patient is weak and lethargic.

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Advanced English Expressions – #1,110

lethargy 無気力倦怠感
ex) I snapped out of my lethargy and began cleaning the house.
無気力感から 抜け出して 掃除を始めた

lethargy /ˈlɛθɚʤi/: a lack of energy or a lack of interest in doing things : a lethargic feeling or state
ex) Symptoms of the disease include loss of appetite and lethargy.

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Advanced English Expressions – #786

listless だるい倦怠感の無関心な
ex) The heat made everyone tired and listless.
暑さは 疲労と 倦怠感をもたらした

listless /ˈlɪstləs/: lacking energy or spirit
ex) The party was a listless affair.

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出国の前に総チェック! – 海外旅行英会話フレーズ集

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キッズ英会話レッスン用の 英語フレーズを 大人も覚えよう!

courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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