英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Hard-Wired – Innate 「生来・先天的・生まれながら」 を英語で表現

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Hard-Wired – Innate 「生来・先天的・生まれながら」 を英語で表現

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000

Advanced English Expressions – #899

heredity 遺伝
ex) Heredity is the transmission of genetic characteristics from ancestor to descendant through the genes.
遺伝は 遺伝子を通じての 先祖から子孫へ伝えられる 遺伝的特徴のことだ

heredity /həˈrɛdəti/: the natural process by which physical and mental qualities are passed from a parent to a child
ex) Heredity plays no part in the disease.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000

Advanced English Expressions – #459

hereditary  遺伝の遺伝性の
ex) Assess your risk for hereditary disease based on your family’s medical history.
家族の 治療履歴を基に あなたの 遺伝性の病気にかかる 危険性を 査定してみて

hereditary /həˈrɛdəˌteri/: passed or able to be passed from parent to child before birth
ex) There is a connection, but I am very doubtful that it’s hereditary.

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Advanced English Expressions – #613

inhere  生来備わる本来備わる内在する
ex) Does selfishness inhere in each of us?
我儘さは 私たち一人ひとりに 生来備わっているものなのか?

inhere /ɪnˈhiɚ/: to be a natural part of (someone or something)
ex) He believes that liberty inheres in [=(more commonly) is inherent in] humanity as a natural right.

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Advanced English Expressions – #900

□ inherent 生来の生まれつきの
ex) All individuals are born with inherent abilities and talents.
人は皆 生まれながらの才能を持っている

inherent /ɪnˈherənt/: belonging to the basic nature of someone or something
ex) He has an inherent sense of fair play.

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Advanced English Expressions – #796

inheritance tax 相続税
ex) An inheritance tax is a state tax that you pay when you receive money or property from the estate of a deceased person.
相続税は 亡くなった人から受け取った 金銭や 不動産に対して支払う 収税である

inheritance tax /ɪnˈherətəns/: a tax imposed on someone who inherits property or money.
ex) The number of people who actually pay inheritance tax is very small.

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intrinsic 生来の生まれつきの内在する
ex) People have an intrinsic right to health care.
人は 生来 医療治療を受ける 権利を持っている

intrinsic /ɪnˈtrɪnzɪk/: belonging to the essential nature of a thing : occurring as a natural part of something
ex) Intrinsic motivation is the inherent tendency to seek out challenges, to exercise one’s capacities, to explore and to learn.

intrinsic 内在する の反意語は extrinsic 外在する です

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Advanced English Expressions – #897

extrinsic    外因性の非本質的な
ex) We will examine the difference between intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.
外的動機付け と 内的動機付け の違いを検証します

extrinsic /ɛkˈstrɪnzɪk/: not part of something : coming from the outside of something
ex) You have to consider any extrinsic factors in the success of the business.

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a born …   生まれながらの
ex) Are artists born or taught?
芸術家は 生まれながらですか? 教育によるものですか

natural born生まれつきの先天的な
ex) He’s a natural born artist.

born /ˈboɚn/: brought into life by the process of birth
ex) She was born in a hospital.

英語力を活かせる お仕事。 主婦向きです!

be born … … を持って生まれる、… の状態で生まれる
ex) I was born premature.

ex) Why are some people born disabled?
何故、ある人々は 障害を持ってうまれるのであろう

ex) Both twins were born healthy.
双子は どちらも 健康な状態で生まれた

be born with … … を持って生まれる
ex) The baby was born with a head dent.
その赤ちゃんは 生まれた時に 頭にへこみがあった

born /ˈboɚn/: having certain qualities or characteristics from the time of birth
ex) He was born on a farm.

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アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #944

born to the purple (貴族や 特権階級など) 裕福な家に生まれる
ex) She was born to the purple.

born to the purple /ˈpɚpəl/: born into a reigning family or privileged class
ex) The hero was born to the purple.

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inborn 先天的な持って生まれた
ex) He has an inborn ability to draw.
絵を描く 先天的な能力を持っている

inborn /ˈɪnˈboɚn/: existing from the time someone is born : natural or instinctive
ex) Humans have the inborn [=innate] ability to adapt.

初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

innate 生来の生まれ持った
ex) Some people have an innate ability to dance.
生まれながら 踊りの才能を有する人たちがいます

innate /ɪˈneɪt/: existing from the time a person or animal is born
ex) Is musical talent innate or acquired?

innately 生まれつき生まれ持って
ex) Is the singer innately talented or just rich?
あの歌手は 生まれつきの天才ですか、ただのお金持ちですか

innately /iˈnātlē/: as an inborn characteristic
ex) He says females are innately predisposed to learn about people and their emotions.

□ a natural tendency    生まれながらの性行
ex) He has a natural tendency to fight.
彼の喧嘩好きは 生まれつきだ

natural tendency /ˈnætʃərəl/: a natural or prevailing disposition to move, proceed, or act in some direction or toward some point, end, or resul
ex) We have this natural tendency towards actualisation and growth,

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Casual English Phrases – #280

be hard-wired to … (性格、身体機能など)生まれつき備わっている生来の
ex) Your body is hard-wired to have a negative response to hunger.
生来 身体は 空腹に対し否定的な反応をする

hardwired /ˈhɑɚdˌwajɚd/: having permanent electronic circuits and connections
ex) Humans are hardwired for speech.
= Speech is hardwired in/into the human brain.

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be endowed from birth with …   生れた時からを持っている
ex) Some lucky people are endowed with both brains and beauty.
頭脳と 美に恵まれた 幸運な人たちがいる

endow /ɪnˈdaʊ/: to freely or naturally provide (someone or something) with something — usually used as (be) endowed
ex) Human beings are endowed with reason.
= They naturally have reason; they are naturally able to think in a logical way.

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Advanced English Expressions – #1,131

endow (人に資質・才能などを) 授ける与える
ex) The country is richly endowed with mineral deposits.
その国は 豊かな 鉱床 に恵まれている

endow /ɪnˈdaʊ/ : to give a large amount of money to a school, hospital, etc., in order to pay for the creation or continuing support of (something)
ex) The wealthy couple endowed a new wing of the hospital.

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体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!

gifted 生まれながらの才能に恵まれている
ex) How do you know that your child is gifted?
自分の子供が才能に恵まれていると どうして分かるの?

gifted /ˈgɪftəd/: having great natural ability : talented
ex) He’s an extremely gifted student/athlete.

□ at birth   生まれた時点で
ex) The human vision system at birth is poorly developed.
ヒトの視力は 生まれた時点では 十分に発達していない

birth /ˈbɚθ/: the time when a baby comes out from the body of its mother
ex) What types of diseases are present at birth?

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Casual English Phrases – #1,240

makeup (人の持って生まれた)性格
ex) It may have more to do with your genetic make-up than your mood.
それは あなたの気分と言うよりは、生来の性格に 関係するものではないか

makeup /ˈmeɪkˌʌp/: the physical, mental, and moral character of a person
ex) His daring attitude toward risks is a major part of his makeup.

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built-in 生来の本質的な
ex) Humans have an in-built ability to do mathematics.
ヒトは 生来 算数の才能を有している

built–in /ˈbɪltˈɪn/: forming a natural part of someone or something
ex) All humans have a built-in ability to learn their native language.

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courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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