英会話 例文・フレーズ集 ver. 2 > Stationery – Ruler – Clear Tape – 「文具・文房具」 を英語で表現

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Stationery – Ruler – Clear Tape – 「文具・文房具」を英語で表現

stationery 文房具
ex) Stationery is basic to your child’s learning and should be stocked as and when required.
文房具は 子供の学習に欠かせないものであって、いつでも必要な時に 買い溜めしておくべきだ

stationery /ˈsteɪʃəˌneri/: materials (such as paper, pens, and ink) that are used for writing or typing
ex) Tell the child how and when to put to use the stationery item supplies.

ruler 物差し = scale
ex) This ruler shows inches and centimeters.
この物差しは インチとセンチで 数値を示す

ruler /ˈruːlɚ/: a straight piece of plastic, wood, or metal that has marks on it to show units of length and that is used to measure things
ex) This tutorial shows you how to measure an object in inches using a ruler.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,412

yardstick ヤード尺、基準・尺度の物差し
ex) Ratings are the yardstick by which TV shows are evaluated by networks.
放送局が示すテレビ・レーティング は 基準の物差しとなる

yardstick /ˈjɑɚdˌstɪk/: a rule or specific idea about what is acceptable or desirable that is used to judge or measure something
ex) Some feel that test scores aren’t an adequate yardstick for judging a student’s ability.

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measuring tape  巻き尺 = tape measure
ex) The store clerk measured my sleeve length with a measuring tape.
店員は 巻き尺を使って 私の腕の長さを測った

measuring tape /ˈmɛʒɚ/: a long, thin piece of plastic, cloth, or metal that is marked with units of length
ex) This type of tape measure will have a floating tang or hook on the end to aid measuring.


tape measure(長さを測るための)巻き尺 = measuring tape
ex) I want to measure my height without a tape measure.
巻き尺 無しで 身長を測りたい

tape measure /ˈmɛʒɚ/: a flexible ruler consisting of a ribbon of cloth, plastic, fiber glass, or metal strip with linear-measurement markings
ex) Bring the tape measure all the way around your body, level with your belly button.

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Casual English Phrases – #703

sticky note 付箋(紙)、ポストイット = Post-it note
ex) Sticky notes and the refrigerator go perfectly together.
ポストイットと 冷蔵庫は 相性が良い

sticky note /ˈstɪki/ : a small piece of paper with a re-adherable strip of glue on its back, made for temporarily attaching notes to documents and other surfaces
ex) Our fridge is so covered in sticky notes something falls off the minute you open the door.

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初心者コースも充実。 自分だけの 個人レッスンをデザインしよう!

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Casual English Phrases – #662

clear tape セロテープ
ex) Many types of clear tape come in a disposable dispenser.
多くのセロテープが 使い捨ての 設置台 がついてくる

clear tape: an adhesive product that’s used in an extremely wide variety of settings.
ex) For the vast majority of books, using transparent tape to repair a tear is perfectly acceptable.

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Casual English Phrases – #802

packing tape (梱包用の)ガムテープ = packaging tape
ex) The adhesive may continue to stick after the packing tape is removed.
ガムテープを はがした後も 接着性が 残ってくっついてしまう

packing tape /ˈpækɪŋ/: a pressure-sensitive tape used in a wide variety of applications, commonly used for sealing boxes and packages for shipments
ex) Sticky residue of the packing tape rarely scrapes off, is impervious to water and won’t dissolve on its own.

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000

Advanced English Expressions – #280

impervious (液体・空気を)通さない、(人が批判などに)動じない、影響されない
ex) Bags shall be impervious to moisture.
袋は 湿気を遮断するものでなければ ならない

impervious /ɪmˈpɚvijəs/: not allowing something (such as water or light) to enter or pass through
ex) He seems impervious to criticism.

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英語力を活かせる お仕事。 主婦向きです!


アメリカで使える – カジュアル 英語表現 – 2,000

Casual English Phrases – #702

stapler ホッチキス
ex) Open the stapler.

stapler /ˈsteɪplɚ/: a device that you use to put staples into something (such as paper)
ex) This stapler makes it easy to work with all of the thick crafting materials you’ve always wanted to try.

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Casual English Phrases – #926

underlay mat (文具)下敷き = plastic sheet
ex) Underlay mats are very popular in Japan, where penmanship is still part of their rigorous educational system.
書法が教育の一部である 日本では 下敷きが 広く使われている

underlay /ˌʌndɚˈleɪ/: a layer of material that is placed under something else (such as a carpet)
ex) Place underlay mat under calligraphy paper.

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Advanced English Expressions – #448

underlie 根底にある根拠をなす下に横たわる
ex) The river is underlain by limestone.
その川の 下には 石灰が敷き詰めている

ex) We discussed the principles that underlay their methods.
彼らの手法を基盤とする 指針について 討論した

underlie /ˌʌndɚˈlaɪ/: to lie or be located under (something)
ex) A tile floor underlies the rug.

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Advanced English Expressions – #763

imprint 印象
ex) What kind of pen can I use to prevent the imprint of writing on the back page to make the page look better?
ノートの下のページに 書いた跡が残らないようにするには どんな 筆記用具を使うべきでしょうか?

imprint /ˈɪmˌprɪnt/: a mark created by pressing against a surface : something imprinted or printed
ex) We saw an imprint of a bike tire on the dirt trail.

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体験レッスンを 365日 受付中。 各エリア 残席僅か。 急いで!

英検1級を目指す方へ – ワンランク上の 英語表現 – 1,000

Advanced English Expressions – #426

antibacterial 抗菌の
ex) The antimicrobial pen is a must for today’s world.
抗菌の ペンは 今日の必需品である

antibacterial /ˌænˌtaɪbækˈtirijəl/: able to kill bacteria
ex) This pen has antibacterial casing made from recycled plastic.

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protractor 分度器
ex) You will learn how to use a protractor to measure angles.
分度器を使って 角度の測り方を学びましょう

protractor /proʊˈtræktɚ: a device that has the form of a half circle and that is used for drawing and measuring angles
ex) Place the midpoint of the protractor on the vertex of the angle.

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Casual English Phrases – #1,405

pushpin 押しピン画びょう = thumbtack
ex) Some pictures are poster-size and held up with pushpins.
ポスターサイズの 絵は壁に画びょうで 留めてある

pushpin /ˈpʊʃˌpɪn/: a short pin that has a large head and that is used to attach things (such as papers or photographs) to a wall or bulletin board
ex) On the wall opposite his bed is a color image held in place by four pushpins.

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英会話講師たちが、日々の個人レッスンに用いる、フレーズや、言い回しを持ち寄って英語例文集を作っています。 勉強になりますよ!


海外の映画や 音楽で 英語を覚えた世代の方へ

出国の前に総チェック! – 海外旅行英会話フレーズ集

初心者 英語の直し方 一人で悩まないで! 先生と一緒なら こんなに簡単

主婦・女性の方への 日常英会話フレーズ集です

キッズ英会話レッスン用の 英語フレーズを 大人も覚えよう!

courtesy from Merriam – Webster’s Learner’s Dictionary
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